Gruhn's Freehand Homework

My whole Freehand sketchbook. We didn't have to do too much homework. Other classes got flooded. More for vanity and interest than "Ooo, Gruhn, you the drawman."

First weeks' sketch things.

Used to live here. From memory. Pretty weak.

Don't remember the first, maybe it was people on the train. The leaves I caught out the window at Resevoir

Some building. Somewhere. ?.

First thing this class that I started to feel the groove coming on.

self evident

Lots of going out in the world drawing people and bits of places. Peep17 is my favourite. She vanished before I got to legs and I really need the reference standing in front of me.

Break for sketching off the telly.

People are hard. Peep23 is my fave.

Trees. You could tell. It's all about looking and seeing.

I forget the specific assignment. Perspective goes boink.

After bringing all these fussy fine black line things in to class for weeks I showed up one day with chunky Sharpie sketches. Makes you look different.

Then mix of tools.

In class: "draw a view you are very familiar with." Homework: Go draw if from life. If I really cared, I'd include a photo.

no clue

Trying to figure a useful quick scribble to add scale figures to my hardline work. Not class work, but it's in the sketch book. Not the only things so included.