You can drag and drop from the web page right to Google Earth. No you can't. Hm... Nope. That didn't work either. In Chrome I'm clicking on the link then dragging the downloaded icon off the download bar. Almost enough to make me mess with the ... no. No it's not.
The links are made for me not for you. Sometimes they don't link to what I wanted. Sometimes they don't link to quite what you should dive in and look at. So dive in. And look at.
AbaloneFactory It's a factory. They make Japanese Abalone. | |
AbancayIsNice I forget what drew me to Abancay. Something. | |
AmblesideSrsQuaintHillyWinding Seriously quaint hilly winding... | |
ANorthernTown Hey O Ma Ma Ma Hey | |
AnotherNiceBelgianCity Get down on the ground. Rue Saint-Laurent is good. | |
Aracibo It's a giant Contact lens. | |
ArizonaTerritory I'd read enough Vietnam War stuff that I was interested. | |
AstroblemeLacAlEauClaireA I like astroblemes. | |
AstroblemeLacAlEauClaireB I like astroblemes. | |
AstroblemeLacManicouagan I like astroblemes. | |
AstroblemeLonar I like astroblemes. | |
AstroblemeMbeRamgarh I like astroblemes. Even if they aren't. | |
AstroblemeMistastinLake I like astroblemes. | |
BattleOfNagashino One of the guys at Samurai Podcast has some interesting ideas about doing history in general and Nagashino in particular. | |
BearaPretty It's pretty. | |
BestArcadeEver It's so non-uniform and heavy. | |
BoatInStreet If you go back in history you can see it in street view. It ... I try to get perspective. | |
BofillAbraxas I don't remember if it was Abraxas or Le Viaduc that first caught my attention. | |
BofillArenesDePicasso There's a bit in... HonnĂȘamise? Akira? that looks like this. Here we go. |
BofilllesArcadesviaduc I don't remember if it was Le Viaduc or Abraxas that first caught my attention. | |
BWE It doesn't appear to actually be Eing. There's a number just across the pit that are clearly Eing. My guess is that this one is setting up to replace overburden. I don't see a "it's happening now" stream or shadow thereof. | |
CaliInBergen Reminds me of California. | |
CheapAbraxas It's like Abraxas, only less so. | |
ClimbHere Some rocks just make me want to walk around on them. | |
ComacchioCleanLines Sleek. | |
CorkWalkThisTrailSomeday. Some roads just make me want to walk along them. | |
Cres There's a lot of rocks up in the hills. It's a shame they didn't get the bikecam in the old town. | |
Darjeeling Fascinated by irregular hillside urbanization. Use the history tool to move the clouds out the way. | |
DrinkHere Nice front porch. | |
FavelaAsVillageColumbia I was looking around here when I got this sudden understanding... maybe I was half asleep because "it's a village" seems pretty obvious. Maybe I had been thinking of these more as just residential districts always looking to the larger city to which they are attached but no the full gamut of life and community activity happens... Still sounds lame. | |
Ferropolis It's a MUSEUM for BWEs! Looks like their biggest is half as long as the one linked above. Still, I'm not gonna pooh pooh. | |
FlatValley It's a valley. The bottom is very flat. | |
Flowers Hit the ground. There's flowers. | |
ForSale That hill to the back looks a little worrisome. | |
Fort Google for "forte di fortezza". They did some cool retrofits." | |
Gorge It's gorgeous. | |
GreenGate Sustainability ftw. | |
Greenhouses Wikipedia offers that Kunming is known for its flowers. | |
HereToo The flat shoulder above the valley. The little chapel. | |
HinduIllinois BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir. Beautiful. Check their photo gallery cuz I couldn't take any inside. | |
HouseInYabuko Sorry for the distortion. | |
HugeCoolHorrid Huge. Cool. Horrid. This is where the cheap Abraxas is. I'd be interested to check it out in person. | |
InterestingTerrainBumpyJapan ThisIsTheText | |
Italy ThisIsTheText | |
JapanIkishimaFabulousBumpyTerrain It's interesting as an abstract. Also pretty from the ground. Very spatial. | |
KarlsSausageKitchen The old Karl's. Cute little building. | |
KerryGreatBitOfRoad Drop in anywhere. Up near Bunavalla is where the next shot is took. | |
KerryPrettySeasideGnarl Also delightfully spatial. With the added benefit of clambering! | |
KhantyMansiyskOxbow Tapestry. Siberia is on the list, but... from the ground it can look fairly monotonous. Wonder if you can grow dental floss on that. Sky is big enough. | |
KingYinLei45StubbsRd. Google for pics of the place. | |
LibyanWeirdness What is this?! | |
Lofoten Nuff nuff. | |
LotOfOldTimber Cruise up and down the road. | |
Lushalpine I like the amount and variety of full sized veg with the mountains. | |
MadeiraJaggedVallEy Great topo. | |
MagazineGapRoad Hong Kong fascinates me. | |
MaybeHere. The village is nice enough, but maybe up on the hill a bit. Can't be afraid of the looming. | |
OrMaybeHere ThisIsTheText | |
MFOPark The plants are growing. | |
NeighbourhoodLikeNolaGraveyard Made me think of New Orleans graveyards. Which I don't know anything about. | |
NiceBldgModernBrickBays Earth has bad data near here and the alleys are so narrow. Hard to get a good view of what makes this cool. THere's a good hint from the south side. Where there's a nice view up the road to the east. | |
NiceIsland Pretty. | |
NiceRock I think it's nicer from the air. | |
NiceSmallBelgianCity Roche Fort. Wander around downtown. | |
NiceSquare Penrith has pretty stone. | |
NiceVillageBrittany Yeah, it's French enough. But it's also Irish. | |
OasisDeLaHuachachina North west for what looks like vortex shedding. Speaking of which, check out Jan Mayen. | |
OnceWalledTownFrance Tell me that wasn't a fortified town right out of generic fantasy novels. | |
OrHere Rocks grass sand water manageable hill... sweet. | |
OsakaBuildingTunnel Maybe you've seen a picture and wondered where. | |
ParticleAccelerator Not an astrobleme. | |
Peugeot Car factory with its own football stadium. Looks kinda like an IC. | |
PrettyMess Detail. | |
PrettyNZ There's a lot of California in NZ. Ireland too. | |
Roundhouse Yer man has some trains. So he's building a place to put them. | |
SamosSpain On the Camino. Maybe I'll walk through some day. | |
SaynatsaloTownHall Archie milestone! It looks so nothing from here. Google for some interior pics. I like the glazed corridor at the courtyard and some of the narrow brick interior passages. | |
ScottsdaleInFrance It's Scottsdale. In France. | |
SetenilDeLasBodegas Making the most of a special site. | |
Shimla It's like Darjeeling only different. | |
SmallCity It looks all urban and stuff, but it's only a few blocks. | |
StayHere. Looks like a pleasant place to rest for a few days. | |
StPetersburghOutskirtsTowerCity First time I saw this sort of hood was in Belgrade. Fascinated. | |
TakashimaNiceFields Similar to earlier. | |
TemplesOnVolcanoSkeleton Worth googling for. If you like the terrain, check Sutter Buttes. | |
ThePits First thought was "wow, they bombed the heck out of this" but then I figured it for limestone. | |
ThisIsNice. Another intimate little shoulder. | |
ThisWillDo Fields rocks water.... same ol' :-) | |
TwenteCanteen Sweet little building. Check here and for a better pic. I believe they have altered for a more bureaucratic use in recent years. Sad. Joop van Stigt." | |
UShapedValley Glacier been here. | |
Valley It's only 3700 feet. I can make that. Yeah. | |
VillasMonteTaxco Just like it. The .kml keeps spazzing. You'll have to search for the spot by yourself. | |
VNiceCorrey Down stream just a hair there's the morain I've ever sain. | |
Waterfall Water. It falls. | |
WhiteFrance You can see from the air, but get down. The town is just white. looks like it's in part due to local stone. |