Gruhn's Computer Painting - 6

Computer Painting - 6

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It's a ball. It's ugly.

Playing with KPT5 when it came in.

Realized one evening that our loo needed something on the wall. Made this. Printed it out. Mounted it. It hangs there to this day. Not really a swell picture or anything. Pretty much churning out another one of those things Gruhn churns out. But then, that's pretty much what most of my stuff is. But it's pleasant enough to look at.

Hadn't picked up the tablet in a long time. I've always liked one of the first images I made with Painter and have also been comfortable with the theme - paintbrushy bits with texture and a shadow. So this is where I headed first, to get back on my feet. For the craic, I did colours.

Some sort of whacky leek-rhubarb hybrid.

This one has a real physical feel to it. The little bends and highlights you see at the top can be blamed on Painter not being able to assume what's beyond the edges of the page. Super Soften would maybe have solved the problem. What I really need to do is know what I'm doing ahead of time and work with enough of a slop margin so that when I'm done I can crop and everything is perfect.

This goes back to when the family moved from urbanized eastern Massachusetts to Ireland where the telly station served a large rural community. We all found it a bit disconcerting to watch liver fluke swim across the screen during dinner. We joked (ugly Americans) amongst ourselves. I still carry that trauma ;-).

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