Aerial Photography - 2

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cuzco.html (.JPG) 512 x 392 32kk
Not Peru, but New Mexico. Anybody know what this is?

powell.html (.JPG) 576 x 384 34k
Put a damn in a canyon and you get a cool lake with very steep sides.

powcan.html (.JPG) 768 x 512 28k
Lake Powell stops and turns into Glen Canyon. Cool.

edge.html (.JPG) 576 x 384
This is where the Sierra's begin.

footedge.html (.JPG) 512 x 768 74k
This is where the Sierra's end.

bacteria.html (.JPG) 576 x 384 29k
South end of San Francisco Bay is all pretty colors.

cloud.html (.JPG) Cloud somewhere between NM and AZ. If they'd put the dotted lines on the ground to see, then I'd know.

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home Maintained by Peter M. Gruhn